18 December, 2008

Reunited and it feels so good

Greg has finally been reunited with his luggage! :-)

It was a terrible mess of bags everywhere at the airport.*

We showed up a little early to try and sort out the luggage situation before Greg landed to speed up the process. They wouldn't let us go into the room where these bags (see picture above) were, but there were plenty of bags to check out around the carousel still unclaimed from earlier flights.

We spent a little time searching, but couldn't find his bags (because I forgot to make sure they stood out from the rest of the bags that look just like ours). Lots of "Black/Dark Blue" bags.

Wouldn't you know it, his bags were actually in the above pictured room we couldn't go into unless we had a baggage claim ticket. Not sure what the difference between those in the picture and the ones just lying around for the taking. Good to know Greg's bags were safe.

Still, it was the fastest pick-up at the airport where check-on bags were involved.

He ended up getting on an earlier flight than originally planned today. We weren't expecting him home until after 7 pm, but picked him up shortly after 3 pm. He didn't want to jinx it so he waited until the flight was taxiing from the gate to use the last little bit of charge on his phone.
"Flight 1475, leaving now, not sure when it lands in Vegas. Got to go. See you soon."
Good thing I knew the flight was at least three hours.

Everyone is glad to have Daddy home,
especially Mommy
I think Greg is happiest to finally
be home.

* Las Vegas Airport was closed to incoming and outgoing traffic from about 4 yesterday until sometime this morning. Many stranded fliers (some slept at airport), tons of unclaimed luggage. Crazy SNOW!!


Laura Z said...

Glad he made it home,especially with all the weather-related craziness!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Daddy's home! Safe and sound! What a treat for the little ones! I remember those days well. Greg remember POP used to always have something in his pocket for you every time we saw him? If not a piece of candy, a stick of gum and if nothing else he would give you a special coin. He always did that for us when we were little too. My what fond memories!

And OH MY, what beautiful granddaughters we have here. Joseph you remind me of your Dad at that age and you are just a handsome as the last time I saw you.

Del? It's not fair! I would love to see your smiling eyes in some pics every now and then.

With all that's going on now with this hurry up and wait status you're both in right now feel free to come to Birmingham for a visit. We would love to see you guys and gals. Who knows, it might be a great place to look for employment. It might be something entirely different than you are use to but it would be worth a try.

Grandma Johnson