17 December, 2008

Dreaming of a White Birthday

Today was Kaitlynn's third birthday. What a lucky girl, she got snow on her birthday! Although I've been hearing others talk of snow in Vegas we hadn't really seen any until today. As usual, it didn't stay around long at least where we live.

There must be something big expected because all of the flights Greg has attempted to get home have all been canceled. He is scheduled to be home tomorrow evening, cross our fingers it will happen then. There is news that they might be closing school tomorrow as well.

I love snow, how pretty it makes everything...not the cold, airport cancellations, or school cancellations (except when I was a kid and got out of school, now as an adult it is a whole new story!).


The land of Vegas said...

I totally forgot to say happy birthday. It wasn't like I had all day or anything. It isn't midnight yet. I still have time. Happy birthday dodo. Enjoy the extra day off schol like you didn't go crazy enough with one day off already.

The land of Vegas said...

That is the perfect birthday picture by the way. You are so creative.

Anonymous said...

Belated "Happy Birthday Kaitlynn"!

Snow, what a great birthday wish.

Sorry for not getting your card to you in time. I had to fire Grandpa Johnson today. He's been my personal secretary since he retired but this is the second time he's forgotten to send out birthday cards. He tends to procrastinate, then things get put in stacks and he never goes through them.

He found your card that I gave him three weeks ago and put it in today's mail. He sends his apologies too.

Grandma and Grandpa Johnson