02 January, 2009

New Hair-Do Update

As per a few requests, here is Kaitlyn with her '09 Coif, not too bad. It is going to be a challenge with the really short spot, but we may be able to come-over the longer bangs for a less noticeable effect. My sister made the suggestion to give her a "Posh Spice" look but the sides were just not long enough. The hair-dresser mentioned that many parents actually want a shorter cut for their kids, it's easier to take care of.

This makes her look younger and yet somehow more sophisticated, if that is possible at three.

The new look will grow on me. I will always love her smile and blue eyes!!

She starts Primary this Sunday. I wonder if anyone will notice...


Ingrid said...

I can't believe all that beautiful red hair is gone! However, I completely love the short do. Her face is so pretty, she could do anything with her hair and still be beautiful. Boy, I can't believe she is going to go to primary on Sunday. Nursery will be sad without Kaitlin.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Can Grandma trade heads of hair with you? It looks short and sassy. Just what Grandma likes to wear. Great job Mommy!

Grandma Johnson

Coffey buzz Mom said...

Kaitlin looks great with her new hair cut. I don't think Parker recongized her at first. She is cute.

Laura Z said...

I know it was unplanned, but it sure is cute! :)