29 March, 2008

Sir Joseph

Joseph is my little warrior, he loves the idea of fighting, I know it is a guy thing. He wants to fight for RIGHT and defend people from the foe. He was very upset when we had the "Bad Lady" incident at the Library because he felt he should have been there to PROTECT his sisters from bad people.
His instructions after finding out was "Next time, Mom, you need to come and get me from school so I can make sure nothing bad happens, OK?"

As always with Joe, he is obsessive! He wants to take his swords with him everywhere. He wants to take them to the park, to the grocery store, to school, on our trip to Oregon to see family over Spring Break. I have even found them in his bed under the covers before he goes to sleep.

His drawings depict men with swords too. His latest assignment at school was to draw a picture of something he sees himself doing in the future and then writing a few sentences to describe the picture. Can you guess what it was? Right, a Warrior. He rescued a princess, and I had to talk him into marrying her. After talking him into marrying her and having a bunch of kids his thoughts just flowed. He would teach all his boys how to fight and then drew about ten boys varying in age all with swords. He would become a leader and protect the people from the enemy. He didn't want to stop writing (which was astonishing to me!) normally he would write three sentences and be done with it.

I am looking forward to meeting Sir Joseph in the future, I hope he still feels the desire to defend and protect people (especially his family) from the enemy. Maybe just not with swords...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.