28 March, 2011

Day Camp for Cubs

I was released from my nursery calling a few months back, and was given the opportunity to work in the Cub Scouts. Lucky me, I got to attend Day Camp with our boys. This year our theme was "Follow the Prophets" are you ready to listen? At each station we would learn about a prophet, some incorporated the facts into their station's activity (if there was one). I love how much inspiration went into the different activities. We are talking about young boys here, so of course they all loved BB guns and archery. Along with those favorites we also were able to pass off many requirements: there was a first aide booth, cooking station, knot tying, flag folding, obstacle coarse, and another favorite Kick Ball. Oh, and I can not leave out the EGG DROP, next year they should have a frying pan to put all the eggs that made it though the drop. So, on to the pictures!!


Candace said...

I love day camp. I wish I could incorporate Church themes into ours -but we are dealing with many boys from different faiths. Not just LDS. I am camp director for Tillamook District and am super excited for this year's theme - SPACE! We love our bb guns and archery as well. :) This is boy #3's last year and boy #4's first year.

kobe said...

taking children to go outside for camping is good for them

kobe said...

taking children to go outside for camping is good for them