06 February, 2009

A Reading Rainbow

Today as I picked my son up from school, this magnificent rainbow left a trail of color to his school. I only had my iPhone on me so this is the best picture I could get. If I was a true photographer I would have a camera around my neck at all times (I'd probably have a really great camera too).

One day this picture may impress my son, today I'll share it with you.

Knowledge is golden!


The land of Vegas said...

That is a nice rainbow. I was looking for one but was on the wrong side of town I guess. Nice shot.

Candace said...

Hey Delvonna! Love seeing pics of your family! Where are you at now-a-days? And who is your hubbie? :)

Laura Z said...

I heard some kids talking about it as we picked up our kids. They were saying, "There's gold at the end of it. Let's find it!"
Great photo!