Ok, so I'm not sure if this is really such a great thing to post about since it will reflect poorly on my parenting skilz.
We went to the dentist last week to find out that three out of our four children needed some work ranging from very mild to semi-extreme.
Today we did the work on all three*...
and are now anxiously awaiting our Income tax returns!Although we still have coverage through the military there are some overpriced expenses (sedatives) which are not covered that had to be paid for TODAY.
We learned a few years ago that it is easier on
everyone involved if our child(ren) is/are medicated for dental work. This is also
my opinion, Greg would differ on the "everyone" part. He had a very tough time watching sedation effects on his then three year old son. This time he was dreading having Elizabeth (his precious baby, almost 18 months) go under. He didn't sleep well, not that he does anyway. He has now announced that it was better to go in prepared for the worst because then it wasn't so bad.
We were told that the children would probably sleep the rest of the day away.
I got gypped, I want my money back!! OK, how about half?
*Kaitlynn is our "NO cavities" winner this round. Yea!! Kaitlynn!!! I think she was glad too.