The Magic-Mouthwash was hogwash!!
All it really did was coat the sores and maybe numb the area for 1.5 hours, but we couldn't dose again for 30 more minutes (every two hours, how do you actually do that through out a day??). So for 30 minutes they were crying and whining again. That is what made this virus they caught so exhaustive for me: Crying and whining X 2 girls, Magic-Mouthwash treatments (1 tsp. swished every two hours) X 2 girls, and then Elizabeth thinking she needed mommy all the time too. No one got a good nights sleep in the house.The doctor had asked us to stop doing the salt treatment my husband had started on Brianna before we even went to the ER. She said it was harsh on her little mouth.
I did the magic-mouthwash for 4-5 days pretty faithfully until Brianna's medicine ran out. When it didn't look any better in either of their mouths I decided to go back to a salt treatment of my own, using sea salt on a q-tip (pretty easy, and inexpensive). I also q-tipped some hydrogen peroxide on the sores. After only a couple of my magic treatments you could see instant reduction in the size of the sores and they were less inflamed. The next day they were willing to brush their teeth & eat (finally!). To think I could have gotten rid of it earlier ... ARGGGGH!
Oh, and I did go the (semi local) herbal store * and got something called Kid Viral. Although both of them complained of the taste and only did one dose each, I'm hoping it will help me keep the kids Virus free...
I'm not sure my lesson learned here, but I will keep my magic treatment(s) handy for the future, and toss the Magic-Mouthwash!!
* I am going to do a plug for the hormone balancing "Restore" from Herbally Grounded, the a fore mentioned herbal store.
I was starting to feel very imbalanced mentally, for lack of a better term. I felt cranky all the time, not very patient with my kids, lack of motivation, and scatterbrained all the time. I had considered going to the doctor for some legal "Happy Pills." A very good friend said she had been feeling the same way and actually got some medication from a doctor then a friend of hers said she had done the meds and found these herbal pills that did the same thing only less addictive.
Long story short, I tried them...and they seem to be doing the trick. I am less cranky, a little more patient with my kids, feel more motivated and focused. I actually want to get out of bed (after a few more minutes under the warm covers...) and feel a little more hope,that there is light at the end of the never ending tunnel of laundry/dishes/crying babies etc.
If you have been questioning your hormone balance, give the herbal remedy a try.