My mom sent me the following story and some kernels of corn for our children to have a visual of the history of Thanksgiving.
The Five Kernels of Corn
When the pilgrims came to America the merchants that had organized and funded the endeavor stipulated that they had to live a form of communism, every man working for the common good and food and clothing provided from the common stores. The land and houses were to be the joint property of the merchants and colonists for seven years (the biblical number that a man could be held in slavery) and then divided equally. If ever communism were to be possible, it would have been in this group who truly loved one another and were dedicated to each other's welfare. Then came a disastrous "starving time" when the daily ration from the common store was reduced to five kernels of corn a day. With the death of their good pastor, the new governor, William Bradford saw that bold decisive action was needed. As he wrote in his History:
... after much debate of things, the Governor gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular and in that regard trust in themselves. The experience that was had in this common course and condition tried sundry years and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanity and conceit of Plato and other ancients...that the taking away of property and bringing in communism into a commonwealth would make them happy and flourishing as if they were wiser than God. For this communism was found to breed much confusion and discontentment, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort."
The new arrangement worked well. When it was their own property and they understood that they would benefit from their labors, even the little children went willingly with their parents to help set the corn and tend to it. The change in their circumstance was remarkable! The first thanksgiving was instituted to give thanks to the Lord for his bounteous blessings. With the trestles groaning with food, and savory aromas tickling their noses, for the first course the feasters found on each plate five kernels of corn. You may imagine the intense feelings of gratitude as they listened to the blessing on the food. May we be grateful, also.
... after much debate of things, the Governor gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular and in that regard trust in themselves. The experience that was had in this common course and condition tried sundry years and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanity and conceit of Plato and other ancients...that the taking away of property and bringing in communism into a commonwealth would make them happy and flourishing as if they were wiser than God. For this communism was found to breed much confusion and discontentment, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort."
The new arrangement worked well. When it was their own property and they understood that they would benefit from their labors, even the little children went willingly with their parents to help set the corn and tend to it. The change in their circumstance was remarkable! The first thanksgiving was instituted to give thanks to the Lord for his bounteous blessings. With the trestles groaning with food, and savory aromas tickling their noses, for the first course the feasters found on each plate five kernels of corn. You may imagine the intense feelings of gratitude as they listened to the blessing on the food. May we be grateful, also.
Happy Thanksgiving!