16 September, 2009

Family Reunion - Fisk side

Every body say "HEY," everybody say "HO!" Going to the Fisk Side!

I'm not sure which "annual" it is, we've been trying to get together every year since my brother Lachoneous passed away. I remember one of our first "Lakie Day" reunions was while I was a nanny for my brother, Dave, and his wife, Jen, back in 2000. We stayed in a few of these (like tents) riddled across the Pacific Northwest camping grounds along the coast line. Those first years we were a small band of Fisks, but look how we've grown! This year there were 13 children and 13 adults in attendance, and not all family members made it.

This year we stayed at a wonderful home in Donnelly, ID, an advertised "stones throw from the lake". I'm not sure who threw the stone they measured it by, but no one in my family could throw it that far...and yes, they tried! We had comfortable living quarters, a room for almost every family. The best room in the house was the "kids room," where I don't know how much sleeping actually took place. They had two queen bunk beds with trundles and another queen bed. It was a huge room! And I mustn't forget the HOT TUB! I think we would have had prunes for kids had we let them stay in as long as they wanted! If you were to ask any of the Porter children what their favorite part about the family reunion in Idaho was, they would unanimously proclaim the hot-tub...and maybe their Aunt Rosie...or their Uncle Calvin's raft...or the playgroud down the street...or the 4 for one Birthday party, hard to say! I proclaim it a success!

I volunteered to be the go to person for next year, hopefully I can do as well as Jessica did this year. Go Jessi!!

For those who might be interested, a break down of the "Fisks," starting with the oldest :

Von Del - "THE Grandfather," yellow shirt (hard to see, but in the back), long haired, semi-retired, dancing man, living in Ohio.

Vera Fisk - "Grandma Fisk", not in attendance. Living in West Jordan, enjoying dating and tending grandchildren. She has been a life saver, many times, for me!

Delvonna and Greg Porter - family in red (except for Greg who wants us to believe he is a rebel, but who truely didn't have a red shirt to wear). Living in Lost Wages (Las Vegas, NV) Greg is currently seeking gainful employment after serving in the military for 16 years, will re-locate willingly! Children: Joseph, 8, Brianna, 5, Kaitlynn, 3, and Elizabeth, 2.

Dave and Jennifer Fisk - family in dark blue. Dave and Jen are some of the only Fisk's still living in Portland, by way of Tigard, both successful at their jobs. Only boys! Dean, 9, and Logan, 7. Jen would like a little girl, but is happy to have nieces.

Ben Fisk, not pictured. Still living in Portland as well. Graduated from Law school and is seeking employment.

Rosetta Fisk, Stenzel, Davis - family in light blue. Working for Verizon, living in West Jordan, UT. Eamonn, 12, and Fiona, 9. Rosie thinks she has three more girls, but they belong to ME!

Zeezrom and Drea Fisk - family in brown. Zeb is working as a engineer, they live in Salt Lake City...almost down town! Their children; Gideon, 7, Thea, 5, Otto and Elliott, 2. They have their hands as full as me, and although we are tied with the "biggest families" of our little clan, Drea got there first...darn twins!

Calvin and Becca Fisk - family in white. Living in West Jordan, both working and saving for a place of their own.

Jessica and Peter Nguyen - family in green. Peter is in the ROTC and pursuing further officer training with the Army, also attending Jessica's alma mater, BYU-Idaho. Zeke, 2, is their only child currently, but baby sister will be making her debut early next year.

15 September, 2009

On a sad note:

This post is for my friend Stacey. I meant to do a blog about our first hamster when we got him, but I didn't. He died an unspeakable death at the hands of my children and the dog on the very day we got him. So sad. Greg proclaimed the children were too small to keep a small pet, I tried to talk him into another one since there was a return policy for two weeks. It took him a few days to soften. I just couldn't see throwing away all the money it takes to set up a small pet in his comfortable (but not too pricey) digs with all the little animal needs for only one day of life with the Porters. So once I got the ok, Joseph and I set out on a quest to find another tiny, fluffy, cute friend.

Stacey knowing of the un-timely death of the first hamster requested a picture of the new little guy so we would have proof of life. Thank you Stacey! We really did have a great time with Night Rider, as Greg affectionately called him due to his incessant night activities on the wheel. The kids were very careful to keep him in his ball, away from the DOG, if he was out of his cage for any length of time. We, ok I, checked on him almost every day. One day after three weeks co-existing with us, I went to take him out and clean his cage and feed him. The cage smelled something horrible. Every ounce of food was GONE! He had died (I'm thinking starvation). I asked Greg what day he remembered NOT hearing the whirl of the wheel. He thought it had been quiet for a few days. Oh sad, sad day. Good and bad news, he made it past the return policy. If there is anyone in need of a hamster cage and all the trimmings, let me know.


I know, I know, it's been a long time.

I should say it has been a long time since I posted, trust me, I have been checking in on ALL my blogger friends and family on a regular basis! It is so nice to be able to keep updated on everyone else's lives, especially when it seems like mine is not so interesting.

Honestly, I use my blog as a way to journal, and I haven't been doing so well at it...could you tell?

Stay tuned, I will TRY and get some updates soon.